ISSN (O) : 2393-8609 IMPACT FACTOR: 3.47

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

International journal of mechanical engineering Finite Element Analysis or Methods International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering International journal of aerospace International journal of aeronautical

Current Issue

S.No.Table of Content   Author Name  Page No.
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   1 Experimentation of a TEC-Module Cooling System using Regenerative Braking with Model Based Approach Debarupam Gogoi; Akshay Kalul Saikia; Anupjyoti Burhagohain; Manisha Kardong; Subhajit Sen        1-13 View
   2 Review of Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Applications in Aerospace Structural Systems Design: Design Conceptualization Tool Amir Javidinejad        14-21 View